23 August 2010

Sariah's First Trip to the Dentist

I'm not nervous, Clifford the Big Red Dog is on!See my teeth!

Brother is enjoying the excitement

Checking out "Mrs. Thirsty"

Getting those teeth cleaned, she got raspberry toothpaste!

This sucks!

Twenty perfect teeth, no cavities!

Beautiful Pearly Whites!

06 August 2010

Chicago Temple

For Doug's birthday, we headed down to Chicago to meet him after a business trip on Wednesday and stayed the night at a (awesome!) hotel. We took the kids swimming both Wed. night (we kept them up WAAAY past their bedtimes) and again Thursday morning. Our hotel suite was awesome. It had what I would call a living space and then the bedroom actually had a door on it that locked. So Sariah slept on the fold out couch in the living space, Bryson slept in the room with her in the pack n play, and Doug and I enjoyed the King sized bed.

On Thursday afternoon, we took the opportunity to go to the temple. We didn't have anyone to watch the kids, so Doug attended the 1pm session and I stayed outside and we enjoyed the beautiful weather.
Sariah didn't really give me any good smiles, but she's still cute!

I love this picture of Bryson, but it was really hard to get because I had to lay on my back, and then hold him and the camera up.

This one says, "really mom? really?" and I love it.
It was a great day, and we all loved going to the temple. We'd def. do it again! Oh, and Happy Birthday to my wonderful Hubby!

01 August 2010

July Update

We did Christmas in July! Including our little tree with Texas ornaments. Not only did each person in the family give each other small presents on the 25, but they had to say why they liked that family member. Sariah's words to Daddy made me tear up. She told me she liked me because she likes swim lessons...

This picture either says "mmm, I like squash & peaches" or "hey mom, can you dye my hair red?"
Sariah did a puzzle all by herself for the first time!
She also finger painted using special edible finger paint (its vanilla pudding with dye added!)